Thursday 25 August 2011

Basic International Carrom Rules


1.       In singles, the players shall sit opposite to each other.
2.       In doubles, the partners shall sit opposite to each other occupying all four sides.
3.       No part of the body, except the hand of the player shall go beyond the imaginary lines of the arrows.
4.       The Striker shall be struck and not pushed.
5.       The Stroke shall be made with the finger with or without the support of other fingers.
6.       Any hand may be used in play.
7.       While taking the stroke, the hand may touch the playing surface.
8.       a.  The elbow of the playing hand shall not come within the playing surface nor shall extend beyond the imaginary lines of the arrow.
b.  The hand may however cross the arrow.
9.       Before the break, the c/m are so arranged in a flat position that the queen shall occupy the centre circle and the rest of the c/m are placed around the queen in the 1st row keeping the black and white c/m alternately, in the 2nd row, three white c/m will form the shape “Y” with the white c/m in the first row. The remaining space is filled up by placing black and white c/m alternatively; all c/m so arranged should be in compact round, touching each other, within the outer circle.
10.    Break is taken by a player who has chosen to strike first.
11.    The player who is to break shall have the white c/m during that board leaving the black c/m to his opponent. The Queen shall be the common c/m.
12.    Break is considered to have been made if the Striker touches any of the c/m even slightly.
13.    a.  Break is not considered to have been made if no c/m is touched by the Striker in its usual run or jumping out. In that case, a maximum of two or more chances shall be allowed.
 b.  If a player in his attempt to break, in improper stroke or pockets his Striker without touching any of the c/m, he shall lose his turn. However, due Penalty shall not be applicable.
14.    As long as a player pockets his own c/m and / or Queen in accordance with the laws, his turn shall continue, otherwise it will be transferred to the opponent.
15.    a.   In the 1st game, the player who chooses to break the 1st board shall have the white c/m. The turn to break shall pass alternately during the game.
b.  In Doubles, however the turn passes on to the player sitting to the right hand side of the player who had his turn.
16.    The player who completes pocketing all his c/m wins the board. Queen – 3 pts up to and including 21. 1 point after 21. C/m – 1 pt each.
17.    a.  The number of c/m of the opponent on the c/b shall be the points gained by that player in the board.
b.  The player is entitled to be credited with the value of the Queen only if he wins the board.
c.  The player who loses the board is not credited with the value of the Queen, even if he pocketed and covered the Queen.
18.    The player loses the advantage of getting the credit of an additional 3 points for covering the Queen, once he has reached the score of 22.
19.    A game shall be of 25 points of 8 boards. The player who reaches 25 points first or leads at the conclusion of the 8th board shall be the winner of the game.
20.    All matches in the tournament shall be decided by the best of 3 games only.
21.    a.  Any act of violation of the laws committed by the player during or after the 1st stroke of his turn shall be deemed as foul. A foul shall entail 1 c/m of the offending player being brought out for placing and the turn to play shall be lost.
b. While pocketing the c/m and / or Queen if a foul is committed, the number of c/m and / or Queen so pocketed with an additional c/m shall be brought out for placing and the turn of the player shall be lost.
22.    a.  If in a proper / improper stroke a player pockets his Striker alone, his turn shall be lost and one of his c/m shall be taken out as penalty by his opponent for placing. Such penalty c/m shall be called “Due”.
b.  If this happens before any of his c/m is pocketed, the penalty due shall remain outstanding and shall be taken out as soon as it’s available.
23.    If a player pockets the Striker with his own c/m, the number of c/m so pocketed, with a due c/m shall be taken out for placing and the player shall continue his turn.
24.    If a player pockets the Striker with the c/m of the opponent, the c/m shall be deemed to have been pocketed.
25.    A player has the right to pocket the Queen and to cover it provided a c/m of his own has already been pocketed.
26.    If the Queen is pocketed before any c/m of the player is pocketed, the Queen shall be taken out for placing and the player shall lose his turn.
27.    If the Queen is pocketed by a stroke and is not covered, the Queen shall be taken out for placing.
28.    If the Queen and c/m of a player are pocketed together in one stroke, the Queen shall be considered covered.
29.    If a player pockets all his c/m leaving the Queen on the c/b, he shall lose the board by 3pts. If the opponent’s score is 22 pts or more, he shall lose by 1 pt.
30.    While covering the Queen, if a player pockets the last c/m of his opponent, he shall lose the board by the number of his c/m lying on the c/b together with the points for the Queen. If the score of the opponent is 22pts or more, he shall lose by the number of c/m only.
31.    a.  When taking a stroke, the striker must touch both base lines.
b.  If the stroke is made from the base circle, the striker must cover the base circle fully but shall not touch the arrow.